Skillet Sweet Potatoes - Healthy Happy Smart side dish holiday recipe (2024)

Ever wondered what tastes good with sweet potato?

Skillet Sweet Potatoes - Healthy Happy Smart side dish holiday recipe (1)

Well, I have some news for you! I never would have thoughtCINNAMON AND GARLICwould be a good combination, but I promise you its wonderful. Even with the parsley too!

Why cinnamon and garlic?

Cinnamon and garlic are two powerful antioxidants that can be used to treat high cholesterol, parasites, respiratory issues, poor digestion, and low energy problems.

With regular consumption of garlic, you can help lower your blood pressure, control your blood sugar, blood cholesterol, and boost the immune system. Isn’t that amazing? Note that in order to maximize the benefits of garlic, you must chop or cut the clove so the powerful compound that gives you these excellent benefits, called allicin, is released.

Cinnamon is an all-natural anti-inflammatory spice and can assist you in lowering your blood sugar levels.

Below you’ll find the best, super popular, and super easy recipe: skillet sweet potatoes.

Sweet potato skilletis a healthy meal, easy to make, and hard to keep around because you’ll be scarfing these down in a hurry they taste so good! The best part about it all is that you’re enjoying a delicious recipe that is also healthy for you!

You may be thinking… But, Kelly! I’m on a diet! Can I eat this on a diet?

Here’s a quick chart with the most common diets and a Yes or No to indicate whether you can indulge in this delicious recipeduring that type of diet:

DietCan I indulge in skillet sweet potatoes?
Paleo DietYes
Keto DietYes
Vegan DietYes
Vegetarian DietYes

This means that you can add your skillet sweet potatoesrecipe to your list of paleo recipes, keto diet meals, vegan recipes, or even your vegetarian recipes! This is one delicious and healthy meal!

Check out our nutritional infoat the bottom of the blog post!

Skillet Sweet Potatoes - Healthy Happy Smart side dish holiday recipe (2)

I wanted to share with you a simple side dish recipe using sweet potatoes, which could be an awesome choice for the holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc). Hope you’ll try it and enjoy it. Skillet Sweet Potatoes is easy to make and full of flavor!

Sweet potatoes are high in antioxidants such as beta-carotene, which makes them a healthy food choice. I personally can’t get enough of them! They are one of my favorite healthy carbs.

I eat them probably about 4-5 times a week. You can add this to your holidaydinner recipe, you can make asoup stew, you can makepan friedsweet potatoes,candied sweet potatoes with brown sugar, and more!Personally, I bake them, roast them, add the roasted ones to salads, use them in stir fries, pour chili beans on top of a baked sweet potato, add them to soups or burritos… the options are endless!

If you decide to just indulge in the skillet sweet potatoesby itself, it has no saturated fats working against your dietary efforts. How wonderful is that?

For more healthy recipes like this one, try our clean eating meal plan… click image below.

Skillet Sweet Potatoes


  • 3 medium sweet potatoes
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 2 TBSP fresh parsley, chopped
  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 TBSP coconut oil
  • Estimated cooking time for skillet sweet potatoes: ~20 minutes
  • Estimated cooking time for a roasted sweet potato: 25-35 minutes


  1. For this heart healthy recipe, peel and cube the sweet potatoes.
  2. Heat up a skillet with oil to medium heat, add the potatoes and stir. Cook for about 15 minutes, or until tender. Stir often, making sure not to burn them.
  3. Add minced garlic, salt, cinnamon and parsley. Stir repeatedly and cook for another 4 minutes. Stir often and try not to burn the garlic.
  4. Reduce heat to low to let the flavors settle.

Enjoy when done!

You can roast these too, in the oven, instead if you prefer to do that. I just added all the ingredients to a roasting pan, stirred and baked at 425F for about 25-35 minutes – time varies on oven type and how big you chopped the sweet potato.

You can even sautée them for a delicious sautéed sweet potatoes .

Nutrition Information

calories: 240 (approximately 80 calories per potato) For a low calorierecipe, use less potatoes.

food category: side dish, but with added ingredients can be a full meal.

With just a twist of this recipe, you can mix these magical ingredients together and make an exceptionally delicious sweet potato recipe. Want the potatoes to be sweeter? Roast the garlic to bring out its sweetness, then mix it in and stir occasionally to blend the flavors. You can even tried fried sweet potatoes with your regular scrambled eggs and your choice of fat, maybe an avocado! For added proteins, you can some black beansin to the mix or even some cubed teriyaki chickenif meat if your go-to protein!

Love this recipe? Go ahead and print it, share it with your friends or cook them for your loved ones! They’ll be glad you tried out a new delicious and healthy recipe!

Skillet Sweet Potatoes - Healthy Happy Smart side dish holiday recipe (2024)


What is the healthiest way to eat a sweet potato? ›

Boiling sweet potatoes retains more beta-carotene and makes the nutrient more absorbable than other cooking methods such as baking or frying. Up to 92% of the nutrient can be retained by limiting the cook time, such as boiling in a pot with a tightly covered lid for 20 minutes.

Are sweet potatoes healthy for weight loss? ›

Absolutely. Besides their health benefits, sweet potatoes are a great addition to any weight loss diet. First up, they're very high in fibre — especially soluble fibre. Soluble fibre is excellent because it slows down your digestion and helps you feel full, which can curb the urge to snack between meals.

What is a healthy alternative to butter on sweet potatoes? ›

For something smoky, tangy, and nicely salty, smear some plain Greek yogurt on your sweet potato, then layer with smoked fish, scallions, and briny capers. Roast whatever mushrooms you have until crispy. Thin some tahini, adding a little yogurt for creaminess. Or mix hummus and yogurt, and spread on your potato.

Are sweet potatoes anti inflammatory? ›

Antioxidants Aplenty

Purple-fleshed sweet potatoes are thought to contain super-high levels of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents. As these substances pass through your system, they balance out free radicals -- chemicals that harm your cells.

Does frying sweet potatoes remove nutrients? ›

Boiling retained more iron and copper while frying retained more zinc, magnesium, sodium and calcium in both Irish and sweet potato tubers. Boiling retained more carbohydrate while frying retained more vitamin C and minerals.

Are sweet potatoes more fattening than regular potatoes? ›

Sweet potatoes contain more calories, carbohydrates and fat than regular boiled potato, but the regular potato had more protein. Perhaps unsurprisingly, boiled sweet potatoes contain more than 14 times the amount of sugar of regular boiled potatoes (11.6g compared to 0.8g per 100g).

What is the best way to eat sweet potatoes for weight loss? ›

However, depending on how they're cooked and any condiments or sides, they can also spike your blood sugar and have high amounts of added fat, sugar, and calories. For the most weight loss-friendly version, boil sweet potatoes for 30 minutes and enjoy with herbs, spices, hot sauce, a little Parmesan, or garlic.

How many sweet potatoes can I eat a day to lose weight? ›

Mindful portions: While sweet potatoes are nutritious, they still contain calories. Pay attention to portion sizes to avoid overconsumption. Aim for one medium-sized sweet potato per serving, which is approximately 130-150 grams or about the size of your fist.

How many sweet potatoes can I eat a day in diet? ›

If you enjoy sweet potatoes, you can absolutely enjoy them daily. However, eating multiple sweet potatoes every day could cause a harmless condition called carotenodermia, where your skin turns yellow-orange. You may also want to be cautious about your sweet potato intake if you have a history of kidney stones.

What tastes like butter but is healthy? ›

"However, we need to step back and decide if there's something even better." Nut and seed butters, such as almond or sunflower, are naturally rich in heart-healthy fats and also contain fiber and protein, which are not found in butter substitutes. You can also try mashed avocado, hummus, or extra virgin olive oil.

Why is a sweet potato considered a super food? ›

Of the thousands of vegetables available today, sweet potatoes are considered one of the most nutritious. The orange- (or sometimes purple) fleshed vegetables are loaded with minerals and A, B, and C vitamins. This has led to sweet potatoes being called a superfood by many.

What is the difference between a sweet potato and a yam? ›

Are Yams and Sweet Potatoes the Same? No, yams and sweet potatoes are not the same. Yams have rough, dark brown skin that is often compared to tree bark, and their flesh is dry and starchy like a regular potato. Sweet potatoes have smooth reddish skin, softer flesh (when cooked), and a sweet flavor.

What are the disadvantages of sweet potatoes? ›

Sweet potatoes contain high amounts of oxalates that may increase the risk of calcium-oxalate kidney stones. Sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene, and their excessive consumption can lead to hypervitaminosis A (vitamin A toxicity), in which excess vitamin A accumulates in the liver.

What is the number 1 inflammatory food? ›

In particular, experts recommend avoiding these inflammatory foods: Red meat, such as steak and hamburgers. Processed meat, such as bologna, bacon, sausage and lunchmeat. Commercial baked goods such as snack cakes, pies, cookies and brownies.

What organ does sweet potato help? ›

Just one sweet potato gives you 102% of the vitamin A you need each day. This helps keep your eyes healthy as well as your immune system, your body's defense against germs. It's also good for your reproductive system and organs like your heart and kidneys.

Is it healthier to bake or microwave a sweet potato? ›

It's really the best way. Microwaving sweet potatoes cuts down cook time by 45 to 55 minutes, and, according to a 2018 study, helps maintain the potato's nutritional value. All cooking methods cause foods to lose some of their nutrients, but the quicker your potato cooks, the more nutrients it will retain.

What's the best way to eat sweet potatoes? ›

Top 10 Ways To Enjoy Sweet Potatoes
  1. Bake, Roast, or Steam 'em! Pick a cooking method and enjoy!
  2. Mash 'em! ...
  3. Top Your Salad. ...
  4. Sweet Potato Fries. ...
  5. Grill 'em! ...
  6. The New Potato Salad. ...
  7. Sweet Potato Pancakes! ...
  8. Add a Twist to Your Sandwiches. ...

Are sweet potatoes healthier cooked or raw? ›

Cooking methods like boiling or baking can cause some loss of water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C and B vitamins. Eating raw sweet potatoes can help preserve these nutrients. 2. Enzyme activity: Raw sweet potatoes contain enzymes that can aid in digestion.

Is it healthier to steam or bake sweet potatoes? ›

Steaming is also one of the best ways to keep sweet potatoes' nutrients intact; their naturally high vitamin, potassium, fiber, and beta-carotene content won't be burned off in a steamer basket. Both boiling and steaming also keeps the potatoes' glycemic index down, meaning less of a blood sugar spike for you.

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