Fermented Honey Garlic: A Flavorful Immune-Boosting Ingredient for Recipes and Sauces (2024)

Fermented honey garlic is a delicious and powerful remedy to enhance your immune system naturally. By combining the medicinal properties of honey and garlic, this homemade concoction becomes a must-have during cold and flu season. Lacto-fermented honey fermentsare rich in beneficial bacteria, which have been proven to encourage healthy gut flora.

Making fermented honey garlic is surprisingly easy, even for beginners. As someone who usually reserves honey for making BBQ Sauce and Hot Sauce, the idea of using it in a ferment intrigued me. And let me tell you, it’s the simplest thing you can imagine!

Not only is fermented honey garlic incredibly versatile, but it also offers a delightful sensory experience. Personally, I can’t resist enjoying it just as it is!

Fermented Honey Garlic: A Flavorful Immune-Boosting Ingredient for Recipes and Sauces (1)

You’ll need to have a couple items to start your ferment:

These Fermentation Lids come in clutch. The plastic plug lets CO2 out, but doesn’t let air in. They fit on any wide mouth lid mason jar and work incredibly well for fermenting.

If you prefer to use the regular mason jar wide mouth lid, you’ll need to burp your ferment daily until bubbles (CO2) stop forming. I don’t recommend starting a ferment before a trip or vacation away from home, if you don’t burp your active ferment, the mason jar may crack or explode due to the CO2 gas buildup!

To get started with making fermented honey garlic, you don’t need an elaborate recipe. Here’s a quick guide:

  1. Peel the garlic cloves and place them in a mason jar, filling it about half to three-quarters full. You can speed up the peeling process by gently whacking the cloves with the side of a chef’s knife, releasing some of the garlic juice without crushing them.
  2. Pour raw honey over the garlic, ensuring that all the cloves are completely covered. Don’t worry if some of the garlic floats; it’s normal. Using raw honey is crucial as it contains the necessary bacteria and wild yeast for fermentation.
  3. Loosely cover the jar with a lid to allow gases to escape, and place it in a dark spot for fermentation. Consider placing a plate underneath to catch any bubbles or honey drips. To ensure all the garlic cloves are coated with honey, gently turn the jar over every day or so. Remember to tighten the lid before flipping the jar and loosen it again after returning it to an upright position.

In just a few days to a week, you’ll notice bubbles forming on the honey’s surface, indicating that fermentation is taking place. The fermentation process generally takes about a month, but you can enjoy the honey garlic at any stage. Over time, the flavor will continue to develop, with the garlic mellowing and the honey becoming more fluid.

Sometimes, you may observe a bluish or greenish color on the garlic cloves due to the fermentation process. Don’t worry; it’s perfectly safe to consume.

You can store your fermented honey garlic in a cool place for several months or even up to a year and beyond. I’ve personally kept some for over two years, and it remains both delicious and effective.

Now, let’s explore the many ways you can make the most of your fermented honey garlic. Apart from its potent medicinal properties, it’s an excellent choice for enhancing your culinary creations. Whether you’re preparing marinades, sauces, or glazes for meats and vegetables, fermented honey garlic adds rich flavors to any recipe that calls for honey and garlic. You can also get creative with it and include it in a Hot Sauce or BBQ Sauce recipe!

Fermentation Practices and the Legacy of Ancient Egypt

Honey has been cherished and utilized by numerous cultures throughout history for its remarkable properties, including its ability to ferment and produce delicious beverages. One such culture that prominently utilized honey for fermentation was the Egyptians. In ancient Egypt, honey was a valuable resource and was highly regarded for its medicinal and culinary uses. The Egyptians were skilled in the art of fermenting honey, creating mead, a delightful alcoholic beverage. Mead played a significant role in their religious rituals and social gatherings, often associated with celebrations and festivities. The Egyptians’ expertise in honey fermentation reflected their deep appreciation for the natural world and their rich cultural heritage. However, it is worth noting that various other cultures around the world, such as the Greeks, Vikings, and Chinese, also had their own distinct traditions of fermenting honey, showcasing the universal allure and versatility of this golden elixir.

Fermented Honey Garlic: A Flavorful Immune-Boosting Ingredient for Recipes and Sauces (2)

Is fermented honey safe to eat?

Fermented Honey Garlic: A Flavorful Immune-Boosting Ingredient for Recipes and Sauces (3)

Concerns about botulism in honey garlic are understandable, but rest assured that this type of fermentation is unlikely to lead to botulism. The fermentation process creates an acidic environment that inhibits the growth of botulism spores. However, if you’re still concerned, for precise pH level monitoring in your fermentation process, consider purchasing a Digital pH Tester available on Amazon to ensure the pH level is below 4.6. Botulism spores cannot reproduce in such conditions. Although it’s rarely necessary, you can add raw apple cider vinegar to increase the acidity if needed.

Please note that honey garlic should not be given to babies under one year of age due to the potential presence of botulism spores in raw honey.

I highly recommend trying this delightful and beneficial fermented honey garlic. It’s incredibly easy to make, and having it on hand will undoubtedly become a staple in your household.

Have you ever made fermented honey garlic? How do you like to use it?

Enjoy the wonders of fermented honey garlic and stay healthy!

Fermented Honey Garlic: A Flavorful Immune-Boosting Ingredient for Recipes and Sauces (2024)


What does fermented garlic and honey do for you? ›

Immunity-boosting properties. Anti-inflammation properties. Heart health benefits, including helping to expand the blood vessels (which makes it easier to regulate blood pressure).

What does garlic and honey do for your immune system? ›

The chemicals contained in garlic help fight inflammation (redness and swelling) in the body, plus it can help balance the immune system and prevent certain diseases. Honey is also similar, also having antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties.

What happens to your body when you eat garlic and honey everyday? ›

Both garlic and honey are high in antioxidant compounds. These healthy chemicals help to balance your immune system and prevent illness. They may also protect your brain from common diseases like dementia and Alzheimer's. More research is needed on how garlic can prevent or slow these age-related diseases.

When can you start eating fermented honey garlic? ›

The honey will start to foam and become runnier as it begins to ferment and infuse with the rich flavors of garlic. Fermented garlic honey will take about a month before it is ready to eat and can be left up to twelve months in a cool, dark cupboard.

Is it safe to eat fermented garlic honey? ›

It can be unsafe to consume garlic honey that hasn't been kept in a cool, dry place, and -- just like all honey -- it poses a danger for infants. When determining if your fermented garlic honey is safe to eat, ensure you've fermented it correctly. Then, use the evidence of your senses.

Does fermented garlic honey go bad? ›

As long as you properly store it, you'll be enjoying the many flavor and health benefits of fermented garlic honey for a full year.

How much fermented honey garlic to take when sick? ›

Eating the garlic right out of the jar (a couple cloves a day will do the trick) and using the honey in your tea or other drinks is the most common way to use fermented garlic honey as a cold season remedy.

How long does fermented garlic honey last? ›

Once bubbles start to form in the honey, open the jar once a day to release any built-up gas. Store: Allow the garlic honey to ferment for 5 days before enjoying. You can then keep the honey in your pantry for 6 months.

What happens if I eat garlic every night? ›

Garlic is well-known for its positive impacts on heart wellbeing. Garlic's allicin, which contains sulfur, may help diminish cholesterol and blood weight. Garlic makes a difference, fortifies the cardiovascular framework, and advances heart wellbeing when expended at night.

What happens when you eat fermented garlic? ›

Studies have shown that the fermentation process increases the amount of nutrients in garlic and makes them easier to absorb by the body. The highest protein content was available after 60 days of fermentation while the highest fat and carbohydrate content was found after 90 days of fermentation.

Is fermented garlic good for liver? ›

This process also significantly increases the antioxidant activities of the garlic. In fact, antioxidants in black garlic are likely the reason for its potential benefits for the heart, liver, blood sugar, and brain, as well as its potential anticancer properties.

How many times a day can you take honey and garlic? ›

Dosage: To prevent an infection from taking hold, I like to eat 1 teaspoon of garlic honey 3-4 times a day (1/2 teaspoon for children). During an active infection, eating 3-4 cloves of garlic is recommended for adults, so it would be half that for children (1-2 cloves).

Does honey and garlic help gut health? ›

If you mix raw honey and garlic together and leave it at room temp for a bit, it'll ferment, turning it into and absolutely brilliant source of vitamins and good bacteria. This makes both the honey AND the garlic excellent foods to eat in Autumn & Winter to help boost your gut health and immune system.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.