Decimal, binary, hex & ASCII numbers conversion table (2024)

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This is a conversion table with decimal numbers next to their binary and hex equivalents. The matching ASCII characters are listed as well, with more elaborate descriptions of some characters on this page. If none of these words mean anything to you, jump to the bottom of this page for more information on:

  • binary numbers
  • hex or hexadecimal numbers

ASCII codes 0 to 127

1000000011hstart of heading
2000000102hstart of text
3000000113hend of text
4000001004hend of transmission
9000010019hhorizontal tab
1000001010Ahline feed
1100001011Bhvertical tab
1200001100Chform feed
1300001101Dhcarriage return
1400001110Ehshift out
1500001111Fhshift in
160001000010hdata link escape
170001000111hdevice control 1
180001001012hdevice control 2
190001001113hdevice control 3
200001010014hdevice control 4
210001010115hnegative acknowledge
220001011016hsynchronous idle
230001011117hend of block
250001100119hend of medium
28000111001Chfile separator
29000111011Dhgroup separator
30000111101Ehrecord separator
31000111111Fhunit separator
330010000121h!exclamation mark
340010001022hdouble quotes
350010001123h#number sign or hash tag
360010010024h$dollar sign
370010010125h%percent sign
390010011127hsingle quote
400010100028h(left parenthesis
410010100129h)right parenthesis
43001010112Bh+plus sign
45001011012Dhhyphen or minus sign
60001111003Ch<less than sign
61001111013Dh=equal sign
62001111103Eh>greater than sign
63001111113Fh?question mark
640100000040h@at symbol
650100000141hAcapital a
660100001042hBcapital b
670100001143hCcapital c
680100010044hDcapital d
690100010145hEcapital e
700100011046hFcapital f
710100011147hGcapital g
720100100048hHcapital h
730100100149hIcapital i
74010010104AhJcapital j
75010010114BhKcapital k
76010011004ChLcapital l
77010011014DhMcapital m
78010011104EhNcapital n
79010011114FhOcapital o
800101000050hPcapital p
810101000151hQcapital q
820101001052hRcapital r
830101001153hScapital s
840101010054hTcapital t
850101010155hUcapital u
860101011056hVcapital v
870101011157hWcapital w
880101100058hXcapital x
890101100159hYcapital y
90010110105AhZcapital z
91010110115Bh[left bracket
93010111015Dh]right bracket
94010111105Eh^caret or circumflex
960110000060h`grave accent
970110000161halowercase a
980110001062hblowercase b
990110001163hclowercase c
1000110010064hdlowercase d
1010110010165helowercase e
1020110011066hflowercase f
1030110011167hglowercase g
1040110100068hhlowercase h
1050110100169hilowercase i
106011010106Ahjlowercase j
107011010116Bhklowercase k
108011011006Chllowercase l
109011011016Dhmlowercase m
110011011106Ehnlowercase n
111011011116Fholowercase o
1120111000070hplowercase p
1130111000171hqlowercase q
1140111001072hrlowercase r
1150111001173hslowercase s
1160111010074htlowercase t
1170111010175hulowercase u
1180111011076hvlowercase v
1190111011177hwlowercase w
1200111100078hxlowercase x
1210111100179hylowercase y
122011110107Ahzlowercase z
123011110117Bh{left brace
125011111017Dh}right brace
126011111107Eh~tilde or equivalency sign

Extended ASCII codes

Below are the extended ASCII codes for character codes 128 to 255. This table uses the ISO 8859-1 or ISO Latin-1 encoding. Codes 128-159 contain the Microsoft Windows Latin-1 extended characters. Other variations exist but this is the most commonly used set of character codes.

1281000000080heuro sign
1301000001082hsingle low-9 quotation mark
1311000001183hƒlowercase f with hook
1321000010084hdouble low-9 quotation mark
1331000010185hhorizontal ellipsis
1351000011187hdouble dagger
1361000100088hˆcircumflex accent
1371000100189hper mille sign
138100010108AhŠuppercase s with caron
139100010118Bhsingle left-pointing angle quotation
140100011008ChŒOE ligature
142100011108EhŽuppercase z with caron
1451001000191hleft single quotation mark
1461001001092hright single quotation mark
1471001001193hleft double quotation mark
1481001010094hright double quotation mark
1501001011096hen dash
1511001011197hem dash
1521001100098h˜small tilde
1531001100199htrade mark sign
154100110109Ahšlowercase s with caron
155100110119BhSingle right-pointing angle quotation mark
156100111009Chœlowercase oe ligature
158100111109Ehžlowercase z with caron
159100111119FhŸcapital y with diaeresis
16010100000A0hnon-breaking space
16110100001A1h¡inverted exclamation mark
16210100010A2h¢cent sign
16310100011A3h£pound sign
16410100100A4h¤currency sign
16510100101A5h¥yen sign
16610100110A6h¦broken vertical bar
16710100111A7h§section sign
16910101001A9h©copyright sign
17010101010AAhªfeminine ordinal indicator
17110101011ABh«left double angle quotes
17210101100ACh¬not sign
17310101101ADh­soft hyphen
17410101110AEh®registered trademark sign
17610110000B0h°degree sign
17710110001B1h±plus-or-minus sign
17810110010B2h²2 cubed
17910110011B3h³3 cubed
18010110100B4h´acute accent
18110110101B5hµmicro sign
18210110110B6hpilcrow sign
18310110111B7h·middle dot
18510111001B9h¹superscript one
18610111010BAhºmasculine ordinal indicator
18710111011BBh»right double angle quotes
18810111100BCh¼fraction one quarter
18910111101BDh½fraction one-half
19010111110BEh¾fraction three-quarters
19110111111BFh¿inverted question mark
19211000000C0hÀcapital a with grave
19311000001C1hÁcapital a with acute
19411000010C2hÂcapital a with circumflex
19511000011C3hÃcapital a with tilde
19611000100C4hÄcapital a with diaeresis
19711000101C5hÅcapital a with ring above
19811000110C6hÆcapital AE
19911000111C7hÇcapital c with cedilla
20011001000C8hÈcapital e with grave
20111001001C9hÉcapital e with acute
20211001010CAhÊcapital e with circumflex
20311001011CBhËcapital e with diaeresis
20411001100CChÌcapital i with grave
20511001101CDhÍcapital i with acute
20611001110CEhÎcapital i with circumflex
20711001111CFhÏcapital i with diaeresis
20811010000D0hÐcapital eth
20911010001D1hÑcapital n with circumflex
21011010010D2hÒcapital o with circumflex
21111010011D3hÓcapital o with acute/td>
21211010100D4hÔcapital o with circumflex
21311010101D5hÕcapital o with tilde
21411010110D6hÖcapital o with diaeresis
21511010111D7h×multiplication sign
21611011000D8hØcapital o with slash
21711011001D9hÙcapital u with grave
21811011010DAhÚcapital u with acute
21911011011DBhÛcapital u with circumflex
22011011100DChÜcapital u with diaeresis
22111011101DDhÝcapital y with acute
22211011110DEhÞcapital thorn
22311011111DFhßlowercase ess-zed
22411100000E0hàlowercase a with grave
22511100001E1hálowercase a with acute
22611100010E2hâlowercase a with circumflex
22711100011E3hãlowercase a with tilde
22811100100E4hälowercase a with diaeresis
22911100101E5hålowercase a with ring above
23011100110E6hælowercase ae
23111100111E7hçlowercase c with cedilla
23211101000E8hèlowercase e with grave
23311101001E9hélowercase e with acute
23411101010EAhêlowercase e with circumflex
23511101011EBhëlowercase e with diaeresis
23611101100EChìlowercase e with grave
23711101101EDhílowercase i with acute
23811101110EEhîlowercase i with circumflex
23911101111EFhïlowercase i with diaeresis
24011110000F0hðlowercase eth
24111110001F1hñlowercase n with tilde
24211110010F2hòlowercase o with grave
24311110011F3hólowercase o with acute
24411110100F4hôlowercase o with circumflex
24511110101F5hõlowercase o with tilde
24611110110F6hölowercase o with diaeresis
24711110111F7h÷division sign
24811111000F8hølowercase o with slash
24911111001F9hùlowercase u with grave
25011111010FAhúlowercase u with acute
25111111011FBhûlowercase u with circumflex
25211111100FChülowercase u with diaeresis
25311111101FDhýlowercase y with acute
25411111110FEhþlowercase thorn
25511111111FFhÿlowercase y with diaeresis

Binary numbers

A computer number system that consists of 2 numerals, 0 and 1. It is sometimes called base-2.
Since computers do not have 10 fingers, all the counting within the computer itself is done using only 2 numerals: 0 and 1 (or “on” and “off” or “false” and “true”).

Hexadecimal numbers

The hexadecimal system (hex for short) uses numbers from 0 to 15. It starts off like the decimal system: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 but then comes A which equals 10 and then B, C, D, E, and F (which of course equals 15). The next number is 10 which is actually 16 in decimal and so on….
Because it can be impossible to distinguish between a hex and a decimal number (is that ’25’ a decimal 25 or is it 25 in hex which equals 37 decimal?) it is customary to put a lowercase ‘h’ after each hex number. So 25 is a decimal number and 25h is a hex one.


ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It is a standard that was defined in 1963to allow computers to exchange information, regardless of the manufacturer.

  • Since computers basically work numbers based, the ASCII character set consists of 128 decimal numbers, ranging from 0 through 127, assigned to letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and the most common special characters. Since a computer needs 7 bits to represent the numbers 0 to 127, these codes are sometimes referred to as 7-bit ASCII.
    • Numbers 0 to 31 are used for control codes – special instructions such as indicating that the computer should make a sound (ASCII code 7) or the printer should start from a new sheet of paper (ASCII code 12).
    • ASCII codes 32 to 47 are used for special characters, starting with the space character.
    • After the numbers 0 to 9 (ASCII codes 48 to 57), you once again get some special characters, from the colon to the @ symbol.
    • The letters start with the capital A from ASCII code 65 onwards. The lowercase a to z characters take up ASCII codes 97 to 122. You may wonder why the lowercase characters don’t simply follow their capital brethren. Remember: this is ASCII, this is computer stuff from the dark ages. If you take a capital U, which is ASCII code 85, and add 32 to that code, you get character code 117, which is the lowercase u. 32 is the magic ‘distance’ between any upper and lower case character and 32 is a truly magical, efficient number that any computer or nerd can relate to. Even I love 32.
    • Codes 123 to 127 are once again special characters, including the tilde (~).
  • All computer systems also use numbers 128 through 255 to represent additional characters, but this list is not really universally standardized. That is why the above table is split up into two parts. The first table with the 7-bit ASCII codes is universal across all computers. The second extended ASCII table is not – it is what current Windows machines use.
  • Because 256 characters are not sufficient to represent all characters used in Asian languages and to solve the annoying compatibility problems with different codes being used for codes 128 to 255, a new standard has emerged. The Unicode character set contains more than 32000 characters.
  1. Thank you so much,it was really

  2. thank you that was so helpful…..

  3. The Commodore-64 fully utilized the ascii characters beyond 128 dec with on board keyboard keys with symbols of block shaping and different iner-shapes to be used for programing grphic design in basic comouter language. Also giving it the ability to form different letter shapes for other language scripts. Using basic OS you could use it in any country. Also fat-tracking was designed so the 1541 drive was able to deliver units of 12bit information chuncks making the drive run hot and constant when ‘disc active’games arrived. So it seems fair to say I am right when I say few people know or are aware that there was a beast of a computer that made all others look hack, sad and incompetent. Apple and IBM constructs and programming was second rate. All inginuity came from enthusiasts not money hungry cluelessness. Apple was a lot but so much less because us computer heads were running the show.
    Thanx for the table and try and talk to a c-64 owner and listen to what they say.

  4. El número 7 en sistema binario es igual a 111, ya que 7 dividido entre 2 es igual a 3, y sobra 1; después la mitad de 3 es 1 entre dos es 1; después 1 entre 2 es igual a 1. Finalmente los residuos son 111, siendo éste el resultado que es igual a 111.

  5. please tell me how we canfind binary 7 screm in code a to z lowerand upper case

  6. I need to know how to convert, The ASCII CODE, to print out a Descriptive message.
    10001000 1000101 1001100 1010000

  7. plz tell to me the procedure that how i can make table of binry no. system.


  8. definition of a} HISH-DOOD(4004)=their brains are in the dark,their blind in one eye and no life in the other,till the fire is their face.[if your going to operate,why not operate in the realm of absolute reality.]

  9. Thanks a lot that helped me so much. Now I can show my friends.

  10. muy buena información

  11. truly,it does helps!!

  12. 01000001011101000110111101101110011101000110000101110100
    translate to spanish please thanks

  13. thanks a lot! subject recaps the leason learned

  14. weee.. thanks a lot! it really helps..!

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Decimal, binary, hex & ASCII numbers conversion table (2024)
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