13 Surprising Derma Rollers Benefits On Face | How To Use A Derma Roller. (2025)

Being beautiful is not so easy. Even the ancient, beautiful Egyptian queen Cleopatra used many tools to keep herself beautiful. Let’s explore the latest beauty tool, derma roller, that transforms your skin flaws and complexion. This game-changing skincare tool is also known as a microneedling device. By rolling tiny needles on your skin gently, derma rollers stimulate collagen production and promote a more youthful and radiant complexion. But listen! The benefits don’t stop here. The magical tool gives you confidence by removing the appearance of hyperpigmentation, acne, scars, and fine lines. If you want to elevate your skincare treatments, this blog is full of information about this tool. Discover the derma roller benefits and best techniques, explore the latest advancements, and unlock the power of this incredible tool. Get ready to roll your way to beautiful and rejuvenated skin. So, Welcome to the world of derma roller, where beautiful and flawless skin is just a roll away.


13 Surprising Derma Rollers Benefits On Face | How To Use A Derma Roller. (1)

What Is A Derma Roller?

Do you want to know what is a derma roller and how it benefits your skin? Derma roller is a handy skincare tool that has tiny and fine needles on its roller head. These needles are made up of multi-grade stainless steel. When rolled on the skin surface, it creates micro-injuries on the skin. This process is known as microneedling. Due to this process, the natural healing process of the skin starts, which triggers elastin and collagen production, and the result is improved skin texture, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, scars, fine lines, and a youthful complexion. You can use derma rollers on different parts of the body, like the face, neck, and body. Ready to take your skincare routine to the next level? Please read our blog to discover the power of microneedling.

How Do Derma Rollers Work?

Derma rolling, micro-needling, and collagen induction therapy is an advanced cosmetic procedure in which microneedles punctures the skin surface and creates micro-injuries or hundreds of tiny hole. These micro-injuries evoke the skin’s natural healing process by triggering the production of elastin and collagen. Collagen is the protein that provides firmness to the skin, and elastin maintains its elasticity. Moreover, the derma roller creates micro-channels in the skin that aid in the absorption of skincare products and allow the active ingredients in skin care products to penetrate deep into your skin. The synergy between microneedling and product absorption makes derma rollers a powerful tool for gaining optimal skincare results.

13 Surprising Derma Rollers Benefits On Face | How To Use A Derma Roller. (2)

Microneedling is non-invasive and can be a long-term process with no downtime. However, the recovery process may depend upon the size of the needles; the longer the needles, the deeper the injury and the longer the recovery time.

What Dermaroller Sizes Are Best?

The sizes of derma rollers depend on the skin issue you want to treat or your skin sensitivity. Choosing the right facial roller needle size is very important for getting optimal results for your skin concern. This derma roller chart will be helpful for you.

Skin ConcernsSize: Needle length (mm)
Wrinkles0.5-1.5 mm
Surgical Scars1.5mm
Sagging or sun-damaged skin0.5-1.5mm
Uneven skin texture0.5mm
Stretch Marks1.5-2.00 mm (Avoid derma roller at home)
Enlarged pores0.25-0.5mm
Normal acne scars1mm
Deep acne scars1.5mm
Skin discoloration0.25-1mm

Always consult a skin care specialist and dermatologist if you have any skin concerns and if you are unsure about the needle size for your specific skin condition.

Note: If you are using a derma roller at home for the first time, then a 0.3mm derma roller is a game changer for you to start.

Benefits Of Derma Rollers On Face:

13 Surprising Derma Rollers Benefits On Face | How To Use A Derma Roller. (3)

Following are the derma rolling benefits.

  • Reduces the appearance of scars
  • Stimulate collagen and elastin production.
  • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Improves skin tone and texture
  • Fades dark spots and hyperpigmentation.
  • Enhance the absorption of skincare products.
  • Increase blood circulation to the skin.
  • Promote a youthful and radiant complexion.
  • It can be used on multiple areas of the body
  • Cost-effective alternative to professional treatment
  • Convenient and easy to use at home.
  • Erase stretch marks.
  • Due to acne, pore size increases, so it reduces the skin pore size.

How To Use Derma Roller For Face?

Derma Rolling DIY Guide:

13 Surprising Derma Rollers Benefits On Face | How To Use A Derma Roller. (4)

Using a derma roller is easy if we follow the instructions of a dermatologist.

  • Start by cleansing your face thoroughly. If the size of Derma tool needles is more than 0.5mm, wipe your face with 70% sterile isopropyl alcohol.
  • To disinfect the roller, soak it in rubbing alcohol for a few minutes.
  • Depending on your tolerance, you can use numbing cream on your face, but wipe it properly before derma rolling.
  • Now, gently roll the microneedling tool on your skin’s desired area and apply the light pressure.
  • Roll horizontally, diagonally, and vertically to ensure complete coverage.
  • Roll four times in one direction.
  • After each section, lift up the derma roller and move to the next area.
  • Continue rolling until you have covered the entire area.
  • Apply suitable serum according to your skin type or moisturizer after rolling to enhance absorption.
  • Clean the derma roller after each use with 70% isopropyl alcohol.
  • Use the microneedle device once in 2-4 weeks, depending upon your skin tolerance.
  • Don’t use a derma roller on active acne and open wounds.
  • If you experience any discomfort or reaction, stop using this and consult a dermatologist.

How To Use Derma Roller On Face?

When we use a derma roller on our face, we should make virtual sections of our face and treat them accordingly.

  • Top right of cheek and forehead
  • Top left of cheek and forehead
  • Lower cheek and under the eye of the right side
  • Lower cheek and under the eye of the left side
  • Around your mouth

Do you want to know how to clean the derma roller? After the process, clean your magical tool dermroller with an unscented, soapy mixture or detergent because detergents contain enzymes that can easily break down the protein found in skin cells and blood, while alcohol does not dissolve the protein. After this, soak in alcohol.

How Often Should You Derma Roll?

13 Surprising Derma Rollers Benefits On Face | How To Use A Derma Roller. (5)

How often derma roll your face depends on the length of the needles. Let’s dive in to know.

  • The needle length is 0.25mm. You can use it every other day.
  • For a needle length of 0.5mm, use the roller 1-3 times a week.
  • Use a derma roller with a needle length of 1.0mm after every 10-15 days.
  • 1.5mm needle length once in 3-4 weeks
  • Longer needle lengths, such as 2.00mm, should be used less frequently or once every six weeks. Avoid the use of this length at home.

Derma Roller Types:

Both stainless steel and titanium rollers can provide effective results, but titanium rollers are durable and corrosion-resistant. However, stainless steel derma rollers are more affordable.

13 Surprising Derma Rollers Benefits On Face | How To Use A Derma Roller. (6)

Both have the same function and will work fine.

Stainless Steel Derma RollerTitanium Microneedle Derma Roller
  • Its needles are made up of stainless steel.
  • Its needles are more sterile and will dull more quickly.
  • Tattoo artists, acupuncturists, and medical professionals use this.
  • Its needles are made up of titanium.
  • Titanium is a tough and durable alloy.
  • So, its needles will last longer.
  • Lighter in weight

Microneedling Aftercare To Enhance Results:

After microneedling, if we couple the roller with different serums like hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, growth factors, stem cells, and peptides, you can see maximum effect on the skin. Because it speeds up collagen production, vanishes dark spots and pigmentation, and gives you crystal-clear skin.

You can also use sheet masks loaded with beneficial ingredients for collagen induction and to reduce aging symptoms.

Some Tips: After Derma rolling

  • If you feel any pain after treatment, use ice packs.
  • Apply anti-aging serums and moisturizers after treatment.
  • Use sunscreen after treatment because the skin can burn more than usual.
  • Don’t use this tool on the eye socket area.
  • Never give your tool to your friend.
  • One month before treatment, you should take vitamin A and C supplements orally to enhance collagen production

Derma Roller Side Effects:

As compared to other cosmetic procedures, derma rollers have some side effects. The most common is skin redness and irritation. A person can experience some other side effects, such as

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Peeling of skin
  • Bruising
  • Sunburn


  1. Microneedling tools having needle lengths longer than 0.25mm have not been approved by the FDA. For safe play with this tool, use only needles with short lengths.
  2. Needling is unsafe for people with eczema, diabetes, autoimmune disease, and psoriasis.
  3. Your skin turns red after using a derma roller, so apply aloe vera after microneedling for soothing effects.
  4. If someone has a history of blood clotting, he should avoid derma rolling.

Derma rollers vs. Derma Stamps: Derma stamps and rollers are both micro-needling devices that stimulate collagen production and improve skin texture, but the difference is that derma rollers cover a large area of skin. In contrast, derma stamps target specific areas of scars.

How Do You Select the Best Microneedle Device?

For home use, it is vital to select a safe microneedle device. Because needles pierce our skin, we should use equipment that is made according to standardized equipment management. Always buy from an authentic store. As mentioned above, there are a variety of derma rollers having different needle lengths. At home, derma rollers have needle lengths of 0.15mm. Moreover, there are different products that offer the same treatment, like derma rollers, for example:

  • Dermastamp
  • Dermafracs
  • Dermapens

Reviewed By: Doc Suhab Alvi


Does Derma Roller Hurt?

Rolling tiny, sharp, hundred needles on your face is not a comfortable experience, but it doesn’t hurt. The level of pain depends on your tolerance. However, if we use longer needles of size 2mm, it may hurt.

Can I Use a Derma Roller With Vitamin C Serum?

Vitamin C serum is a very potent and active ingredient. It may irritate if you apply it immediately after derma rolling. It is recommended to wait 24-48 hours after treatment to apply vitamin C serum.

When To Use a Derma Roller?

Use a derma roller at night when there is no chance of sun exposure to the skin. For the evening regime, double-clean your skin to remove oil and dirt before treatment.

Do Derma Rollers Tighten the Skin?

Yes, derma rollers tighten the skin. According to research, derma rollers boost collagen and elastin production with four sessions by 400 percent, causing firmer and rejuvenated skin. So. it tightens the saggy skin. We can use it on other parts of the body with the advice of a dermatologist.

Will Derma Roller Damaged My Skin?

Derma roller can damage your skin if not used properly. The tiny needles cause minor injuries if not used correctly and there is the risk of infection if not following proper hygiene. If you experienced skin damage please consult your dermatologists.

Can Derma Rolling Remove the Tattoo?

Micro-needling is not an effective way to remove tattoos permanently. Tattoo ink penetrates deep into the skin, and derma rollers can only reach the skin’s upper surface. However, this treatment can assist in tattoo removal by puncturing the skin surface so that laser light can penetrate the skin effectively. Moreover, with microneedling, collagen production increases, which helps in the healing process.

Is Stretch Mark Microneedling Beneficial?

Yes, of course, stretch mark microneedling is beneficial. This is an effective treatment for different skin conditions like wrinkles, fine lines, scars, and stretch marks. However, it won’t remove these marks in a day but fades these stretch marks over time and improves skin tone and texture.


In conclusion, derma rollers offer a variety of benefits. They enhance the absorption of skincare products and trigger collagen production that improves skin tone and texture, increases blood circulation, and minimizes pores. By incorporating derma rollers into your skincare routine, you can see fantastic improvement in your skin health. But remember to follow proper guidelines and consult a dermatologist for personalized advice.




13 Surprising Derma Rollers Benefits On Face | How To Use A Derma Roller. (2025)
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